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Using Paybis, you pay your order using a credit or debit card from the comfort of your own home. You will need to create an account if this is your first time using Paybis, don’t worry, registration is fast and easy!

Once your order is placed you will get your LTC wallet on email and Thank you page. 

How to send LTC to Mohawksmoke using Paybis in 3 easy steps!

  1. Visit the Paybis LTC page and enter the dollar or LTC value you wish to buy and click on the “Buy Litecoin” button.

  2. Select the “external wallet” option and enter your Mohawksmoke LTC Address. Check your Email address to get your Mohawksmoke LTC Address.


  3. If the method of payment is using a Credit / Debit card, please select ‘new card’ as the choice of payment and enter the details required and proceed by confirming with the “pay button”.



Your LTC will reach your Mohawksmoke account within 10 minutes and you’ll receive an email from us once it has arrived!

Having trouble with this? Try a different method including the likes of Interac and Cash. Our Customer Support team is also on hand 24/7 to handle any queries you may have. Please reach out to us using [email protected] if you need any assistance, we’re always here for you.


The Mohawk smoke team 🚬

Please note: Mohawksmoke is in no way affiliated with Paybis. All materials and contents found in this blog are strictly for general circulation and informational purposes only and should not be considered as an offer, or solicitation, to deal in any of the services or products found/identified in this site.

Any opinion or estimates contained in this blog are made on a general basis and neither Mohawksmoke nor any of its employees or agents have given any consideration to nor have they or any of them made any investigation of the objectives, financial situation or particular need of any user or reader, any specific person or group of persons.

You should consider carefully if the services or products are suitable for your objectives, experience, risk tolerance and other personal circumstances. Opinions expressed here in are subject to change without notice.

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