Davidoff Grand Cru No.2
Experience the Exceptional Quality and Flavor of Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 Cigar
- Size: 5 5/8 x 43
- Force: Mild
Indulge in the exquisite taste of Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 cigar, crafted by renowned brand Davidoff. Part of their prestigious Grand Cru series, this premium cigar is made with a blend of finest aged tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, including a rich and flavorful wrapper leaf from the renowned Yamasá region. Expect a medium-bodied flavor with notes of nuts, coffee, and cedar, and a smooth and balanced finish that will leave your taste buds wanting more. This corona-sized cigar measures at 6 inches in length with a ring gauge of 43, perfect for an evening relaxation session accompanied by your favorite spirit.
About Davidoff Cigars: A Brand Known for Excellence
This slightly longer than usual Corona format allows for a higher proportion of Ligero tobacco, lending the complex flavors of nuts and woods extra strength and depth without overpowering the sophisticated aroma. The bold spice and peppery notes in Davidoff Grand Cru cigars make them an ideal pairing with Bordeaux wines with flavorful tannins.
Crafted to perfection using only the finest ingredients, each puff from this exceptional cigar is sure to delight your senses.
Additional information
brand | Davidoff |
Country | |
size | Corona Larga |
Length | |
Ring Gauge | |
Force | |
Wrapper | |
Binder | |
Filler |
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