Backwoods Cigars Honey Berry
Since their inception in 1981, Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars have enjoyed immense success, largely due to their distinctive appearance and rich flavor profile. Each cigar is crafted with care using all-natural tobacco, featuring an unfinished head and a frayed foot that adds to their rustic charm. This unique construction not only sets them apart visually but also contributes to the intense aroma and flavor they offer when smoked.
Packaged in foil airtight pouches, Backwoods Cigars ensure that their signature taste and aroma are preserved while keeping moisture levels optimal for a satisfying smoking experience. What sets these cigars apart is their strongly flavored filler, complemented by a mild-bodied smoke that appeals to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts. The infusion of sweet honey berry flavors adds a delightful twist to the blend of mellow tobaccos, making each puff a flavorful journey.
With their distinctive style, enticing taste, convenient packaging, and captivating aroma, Backwoods Cigars have solidified their position as the top-selling all-natural cigars globally. Whether enjoyed during leisurely moments or as a part of social gatherings, these cigars offer a unique smoking experience that has earned them a loyal following worldwide.
Backwoods Cigars Honey Berry Specs:
- Fabriqué en: République dominicaine
- Distribué par: ITG Marques, LLC
Saveur: Honey Berry - Longueur: 4 1/8
- Anneau: 27
- Forme: Cigarillo
- Type d'emballage : Feuilles larges du Connecticut
- Classeur: Feuille de Tabac Homogénéisée
- Remplisseur : Graine cubaine du bassin des Caraïbes
- Force: Mild – Mellow
- Couleur de l'emballage : Dark Brown / Maduro
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